ALGOPOL: Research into Value-Sensitive and Transparent Algorithmization in the Police


Knowledge Conference: Algorithms and Public Values: Towards a Better Understanding of Organizational Practices

The final conference of the NWO project ALGOPOL will feature lectures on the practice of algorithmization in the public sector and workshops on algorithmic transparency, safeguarding public values in algorithmization, and connecting algorithms to the work of public professionals. The knowledge conference is aimed at both academics and practitioners interested in the use of algorithms in the public sector. Although our research focuses on the National Police, the lessons on algorithms in public organizations are broadly applicable.


  • Handling transparency of and about algorithms
  • Connecting algorithms to the work of employees
  • Safeguarding public values surrounding algorithms

Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Time: 12:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Location: Utrecht

Confirmed speakers: Jose van Dijck, Albert Meijer, Mirko Tobias Schäfer, Floris Bex, Stephan Grimmelikhuijsen, Martiene Branderhorst, Merijn Bruijnes, Esther Nieuwenhuizen, Carlos Soares, and Isabelle Donatz-Fest.

Participation is free of charge. Please register via this link. Be quick, as there is room for a maximum of 60 participants.